
内容参考How to speak English fast and understand natives (Part II) From linguamarina


  • 口语中的简化:
    • Want to -> wanna
    • Going to -> gonna
    • Don’t know -> dunno know
    • got to -> gotta
  • 忽略无意义词句
  • 使用缩写
  • 重音、俚语和习语


  1. Want to会连读称wanna,比如
    I want to go to london ->I wanna go to london
    I want to study in the US -> I wanna study in the US
  2. going to读成 gonna
    I’m going to wash the car ->I’m gonna wash the car
  3. don’t know读成dunno know
    I don’t know -> I dunno know
  4. got to 读成 gotta
    I got to do my homework -> I gotta do my homework


  1. actually
  2. anyway
  3. basically
  4. By the way
  5. Erm(象声词)


  1. I mean
  2. incidentally
  3. in fact
  4. obviously
  5. well
  6. you know


By the way, I saw Mark yesterday. Erm, so obviously I said ‘hello’ to him but he basically ignored me!


缩写规则 例句 注意
I am -> I’m I am hungry -> I’m hungry
I will -> I’ll I will do that -> I’ll do that
I will pick it up -> I’ll pick it up
Kate will do that $\ne $ Kate’ll do that
do not = don’t I do not like it => I don’t like it
I have => I’ve I have got your back -> I’ve got your back
I have done this befor -> I’ve done this before
I would => I’d I would like to join you => I’d like to join you
I would like to stay home -> I’d like to stay home



  • 在注意口语中的重音能帮助理解口语
  • 学习俚语
  • 学习英语习语